Forum rules
We want this forum to be a place for social scientists to safely collaborate, the following rules are intended to ensure this is achieved.
1. Anti-Social Behaviour
SOCPHD is a collaborative community and everyone who participates is "in it together", please treat others the way you wish to be treated. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult or personal attack.
2. Inappropriate Language/Personal Attacks
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Although we are supporting collaboration, safety is our utmost concern. We encourage you to keep personal information private. Similarly, do not ask for personal information from others. Anyone posting another person’s private details without permission will have their posting privileges removed.
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You cannot legally post entire articles or news, or other copyrighted material in the forum without permission from the copyright holder. Even if you attribute the article/material correctly it is still copyright infringement. Minor fair use excerpts of less than one paragraph or 4 sentences may be used if the content is publically available on the internet. All other forms of inserted content from press releases, newsletters, web pages, or any other copyrighted content placed into messages will be removed without exception. A link to the content is acceptable and appropriate.
6. Advertising in Forum Posts
We encourage you to share your social science related blogs and conferences. However, the website is not for promotional/advertising messages, urls, nor specifics that would lead people to your product or service.
7. Research
We have all been in need of participants during our research education. Thus a forum has been dedicated to students who want to invite others to participate in their surveys etc. Research query posts in other forums will be removed. Repeated flouting of this rule could lead to the deletion of your account.
8. Usernames
Using a username or user title that is an obvious domain name, company name or product name is not allowed, and any such member found with a username will have the username remove. This is out of unfair promotion considerations as well as trademark implications. Email addresses are also NOT to be used as a username.
9. Posts
Messages posted at this site are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster. You are responsible for your own posts and agree not to hold liable for any messages posted. Periodically the Moderators of will post his or her comments. These comments may not necessarily reflect the opinions of or SOCPHD.
10. Objectionable Posts
Anyone who finds a posted message objectionable is encouraged to notify a moderator immediately. We have the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame if we determine that removal is necessary.
11. Moderator Actions
Discussions about moderator or administrator actions are welcome in email, or local private messages, but should not be discussed in public forums. This is out of respect for the members, moderators and policy involved. To support Moderators the language of use for this site is to be English only.
12. Mulitple Usernames
Creating multiple usernames is not allowed.
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